About YOU!

Have you ever seen an "About You" page? I don't think I have! However, I decided to make one anyways because I want you, as the reader, to know if this is the right blog for you.

You should read this blog if any of these descriptors sound personally relevant:

  • you are a student at a school, college, or university
  • you wish to be more self-aware
  • you like to see the "bigger picture" in life
  • you wish to learn more about how to help yourself
  • you are independent
  • you are curious about how life works
  • you're looking for ways to self-improve
  • you are health-conscious
  • you love things like nutrition and self-care
  • you are creative
  • you're looking for how to be ahead of the game of life

If any of these descriptors fit you, then this is the blog for you! Thanks for reading the About YOU! page.

Stay tuned for more!


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