
The mission of the Nut Rebel abides by two main philosophies that often work together:

1) Holistic Wellness

Holistic wellness is the idea that it's best to aim for the trifecta of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing when it comes to any activity you engage yourself in. By aiming for this trifecta, you can become a more well-rounded individual whose time and energy can produce a greater "bang" for your buck." For example, if you want to exercise more, try finding physical activities that fulfill your mental and emotional needs as well. Another example is your career. Aim to find jobs and career paths that satisfy your needs emotionally, mentally, and physically (workplace injuries are real!).

2) Simplistic Philosophy

Simplistic philosophy is the mentality that less is more, and that the quality of what you do is more important than the quantity of it. When we express gratitude and appreciation of just a few things, like having our basic needs met, we are often in a happier place. Moreover, when we focus on the quality versus the quantity of our thoughts, material possessions, food and other resources, we actually develop a much more rich character and personal skill set. This is because when we stretch ourselves too thin, we put less energy and time towards each individual item, whether that's a person, place, or thing. By approaching life from the viewpoint that less is more and that quality trumps quantity, I believe this equates to greater happiness levels!

So, how do these two philosophies work together?

When we approach life from a simplistic and holistic point of view, we are putting ourselves in a position that requires little to no stress. Stress is the number one culprit when it comes to mental unease, physical disease, and spiritual unalignment. No matter your belief system, socioeconomic status, or personal experiences, I believe that life is too short to worry. Rather, we should ground ourselves in positive reasons versus negative ones, like stress and fear. 

Just strive to be the best version of yourself, and you will find that you show up better for other people. Put your best foot forward each day, investing time in the few things that truly matter to you, and upkeep your physical, mental, and emotional health to stay balanced through it all. 

Thank you for reading, and be sure to stay tuned to see this philosophy in action!

Much love,
Madi <3


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