About Me

Hello and welcome to the Nut Rebel!

This blog is dedicated to sharing a simplistic and holistic view of lifestyle, wellness, college, and career through the lens of a 20-year old girl from Hawaii (me) living life on-the-go in pursuit of self-exploration. I love to study where wellness and the media intersect, and I wish to use my experience and knowledge to inspire other college students who are eager to grow and self-discover without overcomplicating it!

The Nut Rebel was originally a place to talk about food, nutrition, and overall health. However, this blog has transformed into so much more! If you wish to find out more about me specifically, please visit:


This URL will take you to my personal profile and portfolio, where you can read more about my story, hometown, education, awards, and other professional interests.

Please enjoy your visit!

- Madi <3


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