Lifestyle: 4 Healthy Habits

Hey folks!

Today we will be talking about setting healthy habits and why being aware of your health matters. Additionally, stay tuned for posts titled "Nutrition Q&A" because I will be addressing the questions that all of you have asked from my survey posted on my instagram. If you haven't filled out the survey, it's completely confidential and can be found here! It's extremely useful in finding ways that we can work together in debunking, rethinking, and applying nutrition in our lives so we can become nutritional masters!

It's kind of funny that most of us know what a healthy food looks like, but applying a diet is a whole other game! First off, it is not your fault. Perhaps diets are not the solution. It's important to expand nutritional thought as an aspect to a lifestyle: could you execute a particular diet, say, for the rest of your life? Chances are, the answer is no. On the bright side, that is why thinking and planning in terms of the long-run is more achievable, sustainable, enjoyable, and healthful overall! On the flip side, it is no joke that obesity in the US is prevalent and increasing across the states:

Prevalence of Self-Reported Obesity Among U.S. Adults by State and Territory, BRFSS, 2018
Most states fall between 25-35% of adults who have self-reported themselves as obese

One of the leading reasons that this epidemic exists is because the way the economy functions: to serve the demand of society by offering convenient ways to live comfortably. The problem with this is that when the day-to-day activities become more convenient, we can often falter to sedentary lifestyles. With options like fast-food, delivery services, Uber, and more, we don't even need to leave the house to get what we need.

I propose that we do not use this data to act out of fear, but rather, use it to our knowledge. Awareness of any situation allows us to be in the position of choice. Being aware of what is going on not just inside our own bodies but in the body of the nation at large reiterates the importance of staying educated. If we acknowledge that despite the problem there is choice, we are truly exercising our right to freedom!

So, What's the Solution? >> 4 Healthy Habits <<

Simplicity is key: perhaps begin by getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night and keep a refillable water bottle with you throughout the day to stay hydrated. These take relatively small strides of effort because it is a matter of reminding ourselves simply add to what we already do each day!

Then, we can start to incorporate more whole-food choices into our meals and snacks, and find creative ways to incorporate more physical activity. We could simply swap chips for a handful of nuts, which offers a range of beneficial nutrients. Add some berries to your lunch for a load of antioxidants. For physical activity, finding a moment to pause and stretch even for just five minutes. This significantly helps bring awareness to our breath, blood flow, muscles and all (not to mention, it feels great). Perhaps walk or bike the long way home, listening to some relaxing music while you're at it to de-stress.

Personalize Your Journey

Fancy your yogurt with fruits, nuts & seeds
Find your reason for any habits you engage in so they make you feel good and serve you well. Don't be afraid to start small with these 4 essential habits, beginning with just one at a time if needed. I encourage you to break down your healthy habits into smaller, more tangible steps. Keep it simple, and add as you go.  If you feel like you are not progressing or have messed up, it is truly okay! Try again, or try a different approach. Slow and steady progress is vital for leading a wholesome and healthy life that you love!

Thanks for tuning in, and be sure to check back soon :)
Madi <3



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