My Morning Routine!

Good evening!

What is your morning routine like? Do you have one? If not, what kinds of things do you wish you could include in your morning before your day officially begins?

For me personally, I like having some time to myself to appreciate a (hopefully) restful night and look forward to a new day full of possibility. Moreover, this Winter quarter I finally found purpose for my mornings which get me out of bed. Below I've created a YouTube video that explains all about my morning routine that is slow, intentional and even better--stress FREE!

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Check it out below. Hopefully, this will give you some inspiration on potential ideas for your own morning routine. After all, the early bird gets the worm :)

P.S., I' never used to be morning person until I realized going to sleep sooner and having little things to look forward to were KEY!

Thanks for tuning in,


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