My Theory on Creating Actions out of Newfound Beliefs

Hi there :D

I know that quarantine is weighing heavy on our hearts and minds day in and day out. Everyone's situations look different whether you're in an ideal living situation or have the ideal people around you. I hope that each and every person has quality people they can call or text, no matter if it's just a family member or two!

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Today's post is all about creating change and implementing action on new beliefs you might have recently developed. I think now that we all have a bit more time on our hands, even if that's just the sum of time we would have spent commuting from place to place, to develop new habits or kick out old ones. Habits create growth and today I'll give you amazing tips on how to prepare for the ultimate goal you wish to have (by way of your habits) so you can succeed!

Great day at the beach to de-stress
Great day at the beach to de-stress!

When it comes to taking action you need to ground your reasoning in as many nodes as possible. In this context, "nodes" are like those little sub-reasons that create the whole picture or idea that you're striving for. We have all almost heard about S.M.A.R.T. goals and the power of habits. However, have we really thought of our "why" and how many why's we have? Take the example of wanting to work out more often. You could have originally wanted to start doing this because you hold the belief that more exercise will equate to better fitness. Although this is true, sometimes we struggle with taking actions, especially consistent actions because your belief may not be grounded in enough sub-reasons. Why else do you want to do this? What other values and beliefs can you draw on that pair nicely with the desired action of working out you'd like to see in yourself?

Lightning 101: What is a Lightning Node? - Suredbits - Medium

Perhaps those other nodes can consist of other mentally and emotionally related benefits. You could say that when you feel stressed, you know that working out is one of the best ways to make yourself feel more relaxed and calm. Perhaps you could find a routine-based reason, such as how you need frequent breaks from your desk throughout the day and working out is an excellent way to break up all that time spent on the computer. Perhaps you find that working out is a great way to feel connected with those around you--have you found a workout video that your family members and/or friends also seemed to enjoy? There's nothing like bonding over  a new habit you wish to form (or a struggle you need someone else to relate with!)

Why Set Goals? 5 Reasons to Set Goals and How to Set Them - Jamimico

You see, what I wish to propose is that it is so difficult to truly believe in one powerful reason to do a certain thing or have a specific behavior. When it boils down to whether or not you are acting consistently on this goal, grounding your goals in more than one reason can create an excellent foundation that backs up this positive behavior. Create as many nodes as possible so you can connect and identify better with the goals and habits you wish to have. 

I hope everyone is staying not only safe, but mentally, physically and emotionally well under quarantine. I know there is so much uncertainty and perhaps it's messing with you now that we are a couple of months in. My genuine message to you is to find the silver lining in it all and continue to seek inspiration from the right sources for you.

With love always,
Madi <3


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