Healthy Girl Habits

What's up my female-identifying individuals! 

Lol, that's me trying to change my lango around gender identity (I'm trying, okay?)

Today's post is dedicated to sharing some lifestyle habits to promote health and bring you closer to becoming the best version of yourself! Doing little things consistently is better than doing major things irregularly when it comes to meeting health goals. These particular habits will also help you stay balanced in contrast to school, work, and other obligations. We owe it to ourselves to protect our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, especially if you're a hard worker.

white ceramic mug on table

Moreover, it's funny that we tend to be so on top of the things that others hold us accountable to (with exceptions, of course), but what about the things we hold ourselves accountable of? It's easier to let yourself off the hook when there is no one else but you to let down. However, you deserve more than that. I believe that when we push ourselves to be self-accountable, we are actually showing ourselves more self-love. 

When we love on ourselves, we can become better people and inspire others to do the same. Become a living example of who you wish to be, challenging yourself to rise to your higher self each day. Growth doesn't happen overnight, however. Growth starts with creating habits. 

So, what habits should you begin with? Below, I've outlined some habits that you can implement TODAY, beginning with a daily checklist, then a weekly one, to a monthly one!

Daily Healthy Girl Habits

☐ hydrate first thing
☐ light stretching
☐ bathroom stuff
☐ tea/coffee/breakfast and gratitude journaling
☐ get ready for the day (face, hair, clothes)
☐ BLOCK (school, work, hw, etc.)
☐ hydrate! snack if hungry
☐ exercise (walking, yoga, or other)
☐ hydrate! snack if hungry
☐ meditation
☐ din din
☐ shower and self-care (face, hair, clothes)
☐ tidy room and/or house, then go over to-do list
☐ diary/journaling, set goals for tomorrow

The why:

- Hydrating first thing wakes up your body, triggers your digestion and bladder, and replenishes any dehydration that occurs while you fast overnight
- Stretching also helps to wake up your body, increasing flexibility and circulation
- Slowing down by establishing a morning routine that makes you think about what you're thankful for while enjoying a nice morning drink or breakfast sets the tone for a successful day
- Reminding yourself to hydrate throughout the day allows you to stay alert, energized, and satisfied
- By removing lunch and breaking it into snacks, I have found that my body focuses more on creating brain-power than digestion-power. I often feel sluggish post-lunch, so try keeping your bigger meals towards the beginning and end of the day for optimal focus. Just see how you feel for yourself!
- Meditating before dinner keeps any feelings of being ravenous or reckless at bay. Rejoin your thoughts and destress before enjoying food. Food should be a relaxing activity, versus a stress-reducing activity. Let meditation relieve stress so you go into dinner feeling uplifted!
- Tidying your room, going over your to-do's, journaling and goal-setting before bed helps promote calmness and a sense of order and intention. It's a great way to follow-through at the end of a busy day, and will help you sleep knowing exactly what it is you need and want to achieve for tomorrow. If you're like me, and you think of your tasks or worries right when you settle into bed, it's so annoying! This truly helps alleviate that issue for better sleep. 

Weekly Healthy Girl Habits:

☐ administration day (organize your week)
☐ cleaning day (laundry, floors, etc.)
☐ self-care day (pampering)
☐ social day (introverts, challenge yourselves!)
☐ hobby day (do what you love)

The why:

As you can see, we're aiming to check all the boxes of what personal upkeep looks like. You need a day to organize your sh*t. You need a day to clean your shi*t. But, you also need a morning or an afternoon (so maybe not the whole day) to do some major self-care, socializing with other human beings that you like, and to invest yourself into your hobbies. Our obligations to the outside world can be overwhelming, but you must definitely obligate time to live a balanced lifestyle. I believe that these items will help get you there!

Monthly Health Girl Habits:

☐ reorganize your closet (go through, donate, revamp, etc.)
☐ reorganize your files (both physical and digital ones)
☐ call your loved ones (parents, sibs, distant BFF's, or otherwise)
☐ look over your finances (how much did you spend/save?)
☐ reflect on the month--the good, the bad, goals for the next!

The why:

Some monthly organization, relationship maintenance and self-reflection can do yourself wonders. I find reorganization very inspiring and motivating because with the closet for example, you get to see what you no longer need and what outfits inspire you! Calling your loved ones just to tell them you're alive and to make sure they are is a simple way to say you care, and you love them. Do it, even if they don't! Looking over finances can surprise or shock you as well--if you have goals to save up money for something, see what you can cut back on or move around. Lastly, reflecting on the month as a whole can make those New Year's resolutions actually achievable some day.


Well, that's all I have for you today. Stay tuned for more HGH's and related content. 

Much love! :)
Madi <3


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