My Life is Evolving 24/7! What to do...

Hi there :)

Do you ever have those days that you just feel so tired? Like things are just changing too fast and you can't seem to catch a grip on how to get everything done? That's totally me right now!

In my second to last post, What I'm Doing from Home, I talked about my awesome routine that I've been doing since being home in Oregon. Now that I'm back in Washington, it's been 2.5 weeks and no consistent day-to-day schedule because I've been constantly moving around, associating with different people, starting new classes and a new job, and it's soooo hot outside (to the point that it's sapping my energy). What's a girl to do?!

For one, I am only now realizing why I haven't been in shape with my energy levels, productivity, and happiness. Realizing the root problem is the first step in resolving any issue.

The second step is to accept the facts and then thirdly, figure out some possible solutions. The reason I'm writing about this is because I feel like if you're like me, your life is currently evolving to no foreseeable end--it's incredibly draining.

The Constant Fear of Being without a Phone and Low-Battery Anxiety

Perhaps you and I can work together. Let's collaborate and ask ourselves some critical questions that can help us get the hell out of our funks:

1. What's the root problem of your tiredness, creating a lack of productivity/happiness levels?

Has anything changed in the past week? Are you feeling bored or at unease with a particular part of life? Has someone or something bothered you lately? For me, it's definitely all the current changes. I'm in a new state (in a new place since my last visit to Washington), I just started a whole new set of summer classes, I just got a new part-time job, it's so hot outside, I'm around a completely different set of people who come and go inconsistently, and probably the most significant thing of all is...I miss my cat. 

2. What are some ways that you can find acceptance in your current situation as things evolve?

Perhaps we can do more journaling. More meditation and yoga in times of stress. More emphasis on self-care, matched with greater time spent calling family/loved ones. Perhaps we can take more time in the mornings and evenings to feel grounded in our spiritual selves and connect with how we feel mentally, emotionally and physically, becoming the observer of these feelings!

3. What brings you the most joy of all?

I love this question because I am a true believer in grounding yourself in positivity, not fear/negative emotions. Instead of focusing on what you don't like, what kinds of things bring you the most peace, joy and happiness? For me, it's watching motivational Youtube videos, listening to inspiring podcasts, creating my music, writing, and doing yoga when I need to! What about you? Perhaps, we can use these things to help alleviate our moods and energize ourselves before heading into a day of work, making us more productive and positive!!! Yay.

4. What are some ways to incorporate more moments of joy into your day to day, and what kinds of stressors do you have control over eliminating?

This is also important--the recognition between what you CAN and CANNOT control. By recognizing the unnecessary stress that we can voluntarily remove, we put ourselves in a less negative headspace that is freed up for more items and actions of joy! For example--if you can remove yourself from watching the news at night, do it! Replace that with doing a face mask and listening to some uplifting music. Or, if you're just too burnt out to study and you know you'll have some time tomorrow, just wait until tomorrow. Instead, get some shut-eye or find a relaxing activity. We all need moments of resetting ourselves and stepping away from any stressors that can also lead to making poorer choices. Brainstorm ways to incorporate more joy and eliminate more stress. You only get one life, so make it as joyful as possible :)

The Power Of Focus and Simplicity - Business HorsePower

5. Last but not least, simplicity is key, and less is more. 

This isn't a question, but more of a cliche statement that still holds truth to this day. When in doubt, simplify your actions and focus on 1-3 important things that you can do for the day. If you stretch yourself too thin, then you're giving less energy and attention to those individual components. This can impact your relationships with others and the quality of your work. Instead, ground yourself in a few key items each day that feel manageable. By living a life of simplicity, focusing on quality over quantity, your productivity will go up.


To be honest, I speak to myself as well when I say these things. Everything I post is a reflection of what I have learned, but also what is still a work in progress. As a 20-year old college student, I know I have limited experience. What I do know however, is that there are always lessons to be learned and that we never stop learning!

I hope today's post is inspiring and uplifting. Be sure to stay tuned on what's going on in my life by following my Instagram (@madifuj) and find me on Youtube as well (Madi Fujii).

Thanks for reading, loves!

Madi <3


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