Healthy Things To Do This Summer 2021

Hi, my loves!

We are heading into another summer, but this time it is significantly different from summers in the past. We're coming out of a pandemic and it's shown us how important our health is. With all of this sickness and diseases in the world, coupled with the mental and emotional turmoil that the pandemic has brought us, it's so important that we learn how to manage our wellbeing and level up through activities that make us feel, do, and look good!

What it means to be "healthy," and different ideas to consider

Here on the Nut Rebel, we believe in simple and holistic wellness. This means that when we talk about being healthy this summer, we're considering our bodily, mental, spiritual, social, and even financial health. The best activities can be both simple and effective in more ways than one. Engaging in healthy and wholesome activities will literally make you glow--people around you will notice and will wonder what you are doing that makes you so happy.

Without further adieu, it's time to start filling your own cup and engaging in activities that make you feel happy, healthy, and alive.

1. Find in-person fitness classes 

Whether you're wanting to do something low-key and meditative, or high-energy and engaging, there's something for everyone. Why exercise? When we connect with our bodies on a deep level, feeling every muscle and movement, we're releasing chemicals in the brain that makes us happy.

Furthermore, engaging in physical exercise makes us more mindful of our bodies and what they're telling us. Believe it or not, your body constantly speaks to you. It's not uncommon to accidentally ignore bodily signals as well. Connecting to yourself through physical movement and exercise is a great way to strengthen the relationship between your physical and mental/emotional/spiritual being.

Where do we start? I personally use Yelp and call around to make sure studios and gyms are open and operating, then seek out more information about specific classes I want to take. You can seek out a dance or yoga studio, gym membership, or sports clubs that you can go work out at on a weekly basis. Alternatively, work out from home in a dedicated space that you feel comfortable in. Bring a floor/body-length mirror if possible.

One example of a cool class to try is Gyrotonics. One of London's top yoga and Pilates studios recently dubbed Gyrotonic classes as "the next big thing in wellness." It's a practice that uses a piece of fitness equipment called the Gyrotonic Expansion System (GXS) and incorporates movement principles from yoga, dance, gymnastics, swimming, and t'ai chi. Most movements are circular and spiraling movement patterns to increase joint mobility, especially in the spine but can help with other back pains as well. 

2. Travel to go see your family and friends

This could be number one. After the type of year we've had, so many of us are craving social interaction, especially with our loved ones who may not live where we currently do. Save some time and money this summer to go out and go see them! 

In fact, it's not a bad idea to plan out your entire summer in advance, so that everyone is on the same page! It's so worth spending a few hundred dollars if you have it. Better yet, drive if you can--you'll save some extra cash as well if you ask to sleep on their couch for a few nights.

3. Reduce your spending on material goods

For some of us, material goods are a source of comfort, luxury, and feelings of abundance. Now that lockdown restrictions are being lifted, try to reassess your spending on food delivery, clothes, home goods, subscriptions, etc. that may have served you during the lockdown, but no longer do! 

Instead, start saving this for fun experiences instead. Trips, concerts, festivals, and other experience-oriented goods are going to be accessible to all of us soon. Do yourself a favor and reset your intentions, purging on any unnecessary spending.

4. Start eating healthier

Easier said than done, but invest in your gut health this summer! Not only is it becoming more trendy because of the plethora of recent research on nutrition that's being published, but it's also just good for you at this time of year! 

Think about it--humans are like plants and animals that change with the seasons. Summer is hot, humid, sunny, and outdoorsy! Embrace the season and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, in-season foods, hydrating liquids with electrolytes, and more! Nothing feels better than having a big fruit bowl by the beach or enjoying a nice high-protein salad by the pool for lunch. 

5. Wake up with the sun

Even though the sun is rising earlier, the days are warmer, too! The morning chills are disappearing and it's becoming easier to wake up to the warmth of the sun. Plus, you'll feel more productive and will be able to knock out tasks earlier in the day, so you can enjoy whatever plans you might have with friends and family later on.

To accomplish this, go to sleep with your blinds or curtains open so that the maximum amount of sun or daylight can come through. If you can, move your bed closer to the window. If you live somewhere where the natural light isn't abundant, try adding some whites and lighter colors in your room, as well as mirrors that can reflect window lighting. This will allow more light to bounce around the room. Remove any large instances of dark or black colors, as this will absorb light and make it more difficult to wake up.

Last but not least, when you do wake up, take a moment to look out of your window or step outside to embrace the sun and the morning altogether. Grab some warm water, tea, or coffee and just admire your surroundings, sitting with yourself distraction and phone-free.


These few tips should help you embrace and improve your physical wellness, social wellness, financial health, nutritional health, and spiritual well-being. That's what summer is all about.

Remember that our overall health is super important--not just whether or not we are physically sick. I hope that this helped and that you are pushing through day by day through whatever circumstances and experiences you've had during this whole past year.

I know that this summer will be better for everyone, so be sure to take the time to properly reflect, heal, find yourself and your footing in the world again, engaging in wholesome activities that make you feel happy, healthy, and alive this summer!

With love,

Madi <3


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