Kickstart your Healthy Relationship With Food

Hey all!

Over the years I have listened to friends and family tell me about the ways in which they eat. Most of the time, they have described the inability to gain an appetite to eat regularly. Other times, it is their perceived inability to fully accept themselves as a result of their diet. I personally admit to this belief as well--the belief that I am less because I am unhappy with food and my relationship with food. However, I found various resources and strategies that have been profoundly effective for myself that I would like to share with everyone. When it comes to having a healthy relationship with food, it's important to approach it from logical and psychological angles. Through reflecting, being honest, and accepting oneself, anyone can do this.

In this post I have created a PDF to help anybody wanting to kick-start their journey to eating healthy for life in a 6-step program that is designed under the cognitive psychological approach called the "means-ends analysis." It basically means that we have (1) a start state, and, (2) a goal state. What is the difference between both states? What are the obstacles and the solutions for them?

This PDF will address how we can work out those details using a holistic and simple approach to guide you along the right direction. We all come with positive intentions when it comes to eating right. It's a matter of finding the correct method for you so definitely give this one a try.

For a free copy of this PDF, simply click HERE (a google doc!)


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